Is gambling bad yahoo answers

Why is gambling wrong? | Gambling is bad social policy; it is bad economic policy; and it is bad governmental policy. Moreover, it undermines the moral foundations of society and invites corruption in government. As Christians, I believe we must stand against society’s attempts to legalize gambling.

Is gambling Good for you or Bad? Debate — Steemit I think Gambling is a fun and great experience to keep the human race on their feet. of course there is a certain… by lifegambles.I personally think it is fun and all a game. < 3 to gambling! makes life interesting! Is it good or bad though..... Good in a sense that it keeps you motivated to wake up the... The Bible Answer Show: Gambling Question #2: Is Gambling… ANSWER: The Bible never explicitly mentions gambling. Many well meaning Christians will say that it is “sinful” all the time. Through my studies, I have concluded that a lot of the time it would be wrong, but I am NOT willing to say that it is ALWAYS wrong from a Bible standpoint. Yahoo! Answers Trolls: 20 Funniest Answers to 20 Dumb…

why is gambling a bad thing? | Yahoo Answers

Is gambling considered a relapse if ... - Hi. Im a recovering alcoholic clean for nearly 6 mths, & it was my major addiction causing me to lose a lot in life. I finally cleaned myself up in a rehab & am in recovery. However, I was also addicted to gambling, but not as hardcore as in alcoholic. I dont wanna drink but sorta feel like gambling. Is it OK or is it considered as a relapse if I start gambling. My sister is addicted to gambling. Was I right to refuse ... My sister has a gambling problem. As soon as she gets money in her pocket, she's off to the casino. If she starts losing, instead of walking away, she gets angry and gambles even more money, sometimes all of it, regardless of the fact that she needs this money for bills. Several times now, she has gambled away money that she needed to pay for bills, gas money, or groceries, and then turned ... Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for Is irresponsible gambling bad? [Baseball] Gambling is probably irrational since, overall, you will lose. So, you could say all gambling is irresponsible but I suppose it depends how much a person can afford to lose. Gambling beyond your comfortable financial limit is probably extra silly. If that has negative consequences for the gambler or those who depend on them, then it is bad.

Never seen any good come from it, seen plenty of breakups, poverty and debt because of it. UK Tv is awash with ads for gambling and also for loan companies.

Problem gambling and mobile phones - how bad is it? Betting and gambling on phones is growing and so are the problem gamblers. The growth in TV gambling advertising is mirroring an exponential rise in mobile gaming, and in just the past few weeks it’s inspired an investigation from the BBC... Gambling addiction | Internet role on a brain of the … Gambling addiction is your bad habit. Addiction could be generally explained as a disruptive cognitive condition as a result of taking a substance capable of influencing actions and reactions, such as; alcohol, cocaine, nicotine or forming a regular character like gambling, masturbation, consumption... ProblemGambling | Effects of Problem Gambling on the … Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Knowledge Exchange.Do not drink alcohol or take other drugs—it will make matters worse. Contact the Ontario ProblemGambling Quiz Answering these nine questions will help you understand if gambling is having a negative impact on your life. Is Gambling Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer.

Gambling in Vegas? | Yahoo Answers

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A good thing about gambling is that it is a source of entertainment for some like going to the movies..etc. Response to this would be something around gambling in moderation isn't harmful but can lead to more and more money willing to gamble and most likely lose.

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20 Questions | Gamblers Anonymous Did you ever lose time from work or school due to gambling? Yes No 2. Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? Yes : No 3. Did gambling affect your reputation? Yes : No 4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? Yes No 5. Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties? Yes : No 6. Problem Gambling Can Lead to Bad Health - WebMD Nov. 4, 2004 -- Problem gambling deserves attention from the public and health care providers alike, says a British expert on gambling. Problem gambling often doesn't lead to overt signs of ...